
Alberta Startup & Tech Ecosystem Resources

Alphabetical Alberta Innovates - Web https://albertainnovates.ca/ - Startup Programs https://albertacatalyzer.com/ Alberta Game Development Association - Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/pPX7MY7 Alberta Makes Games - Web https://albertamakesgames.com/ Calgary Game Development Association - Discord https://discord.gg/CWeDgvb Digital Alberta - Web https://digitalalberta.com/ Edmonton Unlimited - Web https://edmontonunlimited.com/ - Events https://edmontonunlimited.com/events/ Platform Calgary - Web https://www.platformcalgary.com/ - Events…

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Startup Myths

Demystifying Startup Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction The startup world is rife with myths and misconceptions that can lead aspiring entrepreneurs astray. It's crucial to separate fact from fiction to navigate the startup landscape effectively. In this post, we debunk some of the most common startup myths, providing clarity and…

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Content Marketing and Strategies

Mastering Content Marketing in the Startup World In the competitive landscape of startups, an effective Content Marketing Strategy is pivotal for standing out and engaging your audience. This approach revolves around creating, publishing, and distributing valuable content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Let’s explore how startups can…

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Product-Led Growth for Startups

Embracing Product-Led Growth in Startups In the dynamic world of startups, Product-Led Growth (PLG) has emerged as a game-changing strategy. This approach, where the product itself becomes the primary driver of customer acquisition, conversion, and expansion, offers an effective pathway for scalable growth. Here, we delve into how startups can…

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Great Startup Reads

Great Resources for Startups This page is a curated collection of some of the best resources available for startups, encompassing various aspects of business development, growth, and management. These resources come from established and reputable organizations, platforms, and communities in the startup ecosystem. The resources provided here are a starting…

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Canadian Programs for Startups: SR&ED and IRAP Canada offers several programs to support innovation in businesses, particularly for startups. Two key programs are the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program and the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). This page provides an overview of these programs and how…

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Remote Work and Distributed Teams

Remote Work and Distributed Teams for Startups In the evolving landscape of the modern workforce, remote work has emerged as a significant trend, especially for startups. Distributed teams offer unique advantages and pose distinct challenges. This guide provides comprehensive insights into managing remote work and fostering a productive team environment.

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Networking and Community

Networking and Community for Startups The Importance of Networking Understanding the Value: Effective Networking Strategies: Creating a Supportive Ecosystem: Hosting and Participating in Events: Online Forums and Groups: Creating a Digital Presence: For startups, networking and building a community are not optional; they are essential to success. By actively engaging…

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Marketing and Messaging

Marketing and Messaging for Startups Effective marketing and clear messaging are essential for startups to attract and retain customers, build brand awareness, and stand out in a competitive market. This page provides insights and strategies to help you craft impactful marketing campaigns and compelling messages for your startup. 1. Role…

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Sales and Revenue

Sales and Revenue Strategies for Startups Turning a startup idea into a profitable business requires a solid understanding of sales and revenue generation. This page is dedicated to guiding you through the fundamentals of developing and implementing effective sales and revenue strategies for your startup. 1. The Importance of Sales:…

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Testing Hypothesis

Testing Hypotheses in the Startup World In the journey of turning a startup idea into a successful business, one of the most crucial steps is testing hypotheses. This process involves validating your assumptions about your product, market, and business model to ensure that your startup addresses a real problem and…

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Customer Interviews

Customer Interviews for Startups Customer interviews are a powerful tool for startups to gain insights directly from their target market. This page guides you on how to conduct effective customer interviews and utilize the insights gained to enhance your product or service. 1. What are Customer Interviews? 2. Why are…

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Ideal Customers (ICP)

Identifying Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Understanding and defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is key to successful marketing, sales, and product development strategies. This page will guide you through the process of identifying your ICP and explain why it's so important for your startup. 1. Definition: 2. Importance of…

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Lean Canvas and Business Planning

Lean Canvas and Business Planning for Startups The Lean Canvas is a strategic management tool designed for startups to quickly sketch out and validate their business ideas. This page explains how to use the Lean Canvas for effective business planning. 1. What is the Lean Canvas? 2. Benefits of Using…

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